27 Aug 2021

UK Gospels Noel Robinson sings about the Supremacy of God in new single You are Unrivalled

Akosua DF: Describe your new single in 5 words?

Noel Robinson: I dont think I could describe it in 5 words but Id say; its prophetic, its significant and its a dynamic song in that gives voice to a believers heart. It speaks about the supremacy of God.

Akosua DF: Talk us through the song writing process for You are Unrivalled.

Noel Robinson: It was an interesting process as I was commissioned to originally write the song for Spring Harvest. This years theme was Unrivalled. The pandemic hit and slowed down the process, preventing things from happening in their given time. To cut a long story short, the song wasnt released at Spring Harvest. I wasnt sure if the moment was missed, but God through providence in such a remarkable way made the recording of the song possible. I started writing the lyrics and melody at home then added bits of production to it with my long-time collaborator - Enoch John. The drums and bass were added in the studio, and then backing vocals recorded in the US.

Akosua DF: Ohhhh. Im glad that you forged ahead with the project. Its such a beautiful song. So, what was the last song you listened to on your playlist?

Noel Robinson: Interestingly the last song I listened to was actually The Weight by Seth Pinnock and A New Thing (featuring Nicky Brown). [breaks into singing the chorus] That song really grabs me because lately, Ive been talking a lot about the glory of God. Musically it really hits that spot for me.

Akosua DF: I absolutely love Seths music. Hes definitely one of our top UK gospel songwriters....in my very humble opinion [laughs]. If you could potentially tour with any artist or band, who would you choose?

Noel Robinson: We were actually on the verge of doing a 10-day tour in the UK before the pandemic hit. I had Lurine Cato, Danny Oates and a few others booked to be part of it. Id love to see Muyiwa and myself collaborate on a tour, Id really love to tour with Muyiwa. Touring with Sinach or just being on the road with Leeland or Matt Redman would be great too. Id love to hit the road with these artists but until that happens, Im comfortable going on a tour by myself and bringing in other artists to share that experience.

Listen to Noels new single You are Unrivalled here:

Written by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

Friday, 27 August 2021

Renowned worship leader and musician Noel Robinson is back with a new church anthem You are Unrivalled. With lyrics such as Let nothing in our breathe be compared to you. Let nothing we possess take the place of you Jesus, Robinson is challenging listeners to put God in His rightful place.
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