13 May 2022

UK Gospel's Niiella shines at Vodafone Sponsored Music Awards

Undoubtedly the most prestigious entertainment event in Ghana, the VGMA's is the Ghanaian equivalent of the Grammy Awards and suffice to say, the UK was well represented. 

Akosua DF: Massive congratulations on winning the award for "Best Female Performance" at the VGMA's. Take us back to that surreal moment when your name was announced.

Niiella: I wasn't in the room at the ceremony as I genuinely didnt think I was going to win. I assumed the award would go to a more well known artist in Ghana or someone with more traction and a larger following. I had been informed that the award would be based on the vocal ability displayed in the song submitted and determined solely by the judges, yet I was still doubtful so decided to skip day 1 of the event which happened to be the day my category was announced. I was with a friend when my name was mentioned and my phone started blowing up! Several of my friends were calling me and loads of texts started coming through saying Niiella! YOU WON! I genuinely didnt know how to feel. I wondered whether it was real so did a quick search for the livestream and watched it back. To be honest, Im still not entirely sure how I feel. I just know God wanted me to be at the VGMA and also win the award. Everything leading up to me going to Ghana indicated that God was at work.... and so its almost like Im sitting back and watching it all happen. Maybe Ill process it all in the next few weeks

Akosua DF: We are so proud of you. Your performance with Joe Mettle was absolutely incredible. Can we take that as a teaser for your Premier Gospel awards performance? What can fans expect from your performance on June 18th?

Niiella: Thank you so much. I was very proud of us! I mean, I would say take it as a teaser if youve never heard me sing or minister before but for anyone who has heard me minister, this really is just another day in the life of Niiella. I believe crossing the 30 year mark came with a whole new level of confidence. Every time I stand up to sing.. I can confidently say I give everything that I can in that moment. Vocally Ive been able to master my voice to the point where I can deliver and not listen back to myself later and be disappointed and I thank God for knowledge and the ability to learn and build my voice because Ive grown so much in the last two years. Im looking forward to the Premier Gospel Awards. Its my first one and Ill be on UK soil that means a lot to me. Everyone should expect to be blessed and have a moment with God because regardless of what stage Im on, my main aim is to glorify God with my voice in an undeniable way.

Akosua DF: Lets talk fashion. You designed your VGMA outfit - very impressive. What was the inspiration behind the design and will there be a Niiella clothing line in the future?

Niiella: I guess my inspiration will always be modesty and the fact that I dont like to show a lot of skin. I also love layers, jackets, capes, boots and sneakers. I dislike wearing heels, they always end up hurting my feet and Id rather be comfortable. My stylist, designer and seamstress Ella Jacobs showed me a photo of a variation of the outfit and I was in love with it. We tweaked it a bit changing the trousers look to a skirt and then added some accents, gold buttons , jazzed up the cape etc. I will release an exclusive line one day. Ive always been interested in fashion and designed my outfits in some way, shape or form. Its only a matter of time but the line will come out at some point.....one step at the time

Akosua DF: Alright we'll be sure to keep our eyes peeled.

Get your tickets here to watch Niiella perform live at the Premier Gospel Awards.

Interviewed by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

Friday, 13 May 2022

"Niiella" is a name synonymous with vocal excellence. The UK Gospel singer currently holds the title of the only international act in the history of BET's Sunday Best to make the top 10 cut, and last weekend she nabbed the "Best Female Performance Award" at the Vodafone sponsored VGMA's.
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