11 Apr 2022

Twitter Talks: "UK Artists Don't Have A Following"

The conversation of pay for music ministry here in the UK has been rumbling on for many years, with artists saying how they often aren't paid the same amounts as their US counterparts. Music artist Sarah Teibo shared some of her experiences over the years: Some will say theyll reimburse your travel and youll never hear from them again, which I think is quite disrespectful to the ministersome are very professional with how they deal with artists and some are not. This sentiment was echoed by fellow music artist A Star who touched on how the UK respond to our own artists:"If you heard that Guvna b was charging 40k or 50k theyd be an interesting response from people here in the UK but they wouldnt bat an eyelid if they heard that Lecrae was charging that."

Marcia Dixon, a PR specialist and journalist spoke on why she believes this is the case, citing audience size and following: "The Americans have always been popular because theyre great artistry and two you get a following because of the songs you sing, if youre an artist and youre performing music people will want to listen o that song, churches are influenced like socials media like everybody else, theyll want to tap in to popular artists. Its all about the profile that you bring...If you havent sold 500,000 albums like Kirk Franklin has you cannot cannot compare yourself to him."

Ben Brooks, one of the UK's leading gospel concert promoters gave some insight on to the business side of the industry: "Some artists cant even fill out their backyard, it has to be looked on as a business, for a artist like Fred Hammond were looking at 6 figure sums as he has a huge following. A lot of the artists dont have profile.

What do you think? Should they pay based on following or should all artists get a flat fee?

Listen to the full discussion here:

Premier Gospel Twitter Talks: Why Do US Artists Get Paid More Than UK Artists?

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April 11, 2022. Last week Muyiwa held a Twitter spaces discussion asking the question: why do UK artists seemingly get paid less that US artists when asked to perform?
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