30 Dec 2020

Top UK gospel artists share their 2021 resolutions

..Ive learnt a lot from 2020 and my resolve is to take away some of the learnings from 2020 and start to apply them aggressively in 2021.2020 taught me that nothing is guaranteed so in 2021 I plan to be more intentional and deliberate about my relationships. I plan to make people feel valued. I need to be more creative in my approach to things as opportunities may not necessarily exist said MOBO nominee, Sarah Teibo. The singer released 2 singles in 2020 and partnered with UK charity Colourful Beginnings to help raise funds to support families with babies in Neonatal Intensive Care units across the country.

Top UK gospel trio Shekinah echoed Teibos resolve to commit to nurturing relationships saying: ..We work towards maintaining our marriages but dont give the same degree of effort towards our other relationships. Putting others first and loving unconditionally without expecting anything in return is what Christ would expect. The desire to be disciples of Christ wholly submitted to Him was at the top of their resolutions list.

First time dad Guvna B shared that he hoped for victory as a father in 2021. ..My one-and-a-half-year-old son Ezra has reached the age where he has started communicating so Im going to have to start intentionally parenting this kid. Its going to be an interesting journey he said.

With a brand-new project due in 2021, singer Becca Folkes is determined to unapologetically reintroduce us to her authentic self via her music and other endeavours. Reflecting on the year she said: ..I have been deeply and heavily concerned about the opinions of others as pertains to the decisions that God has called me to make. One thing is sure - the opinion of the Father outlasts them all. In 2021 I am going to be bolder in honouring God with my uniqueness.

By Akosua Dwomo-Fokuo, Premier Gospel Presenter

Its that time of the year, the penultimate day of 2020 and many of us have started reflecting on the past year, anticipating the prospects of 2021. 2020 taught us many lessons, arguably the most important being that In God alone can we truly trust. Lifes experiences tend to shape us and frame our outlook for the future, but as Christians we rest in the fact that our future is secure in Christ. Looking ahead to 2021, a few of the UKs top gospel artists recently shared their new years resolutions with us.
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