29 Dec 2020

Top 10 Tips for 2021 from John Maxwell coach, Aaron T Aaron

Dont work so hard Balance is key, there is a time to work and a time to rest. Never get the two mixed up.

Dont hold back your feelings Mustering the courage to have those difficult conversations is vital to your emotional wellbeing. Many of us fear the potential fallout from such conversations however its better to address issues than allow them to simmer and then erupt from the pressure of pent-up emotions. Speak out and humbly deal with the aftermath.

Stay in touch, create community, and nurture relationships As the popular saying goes no man is an island. 2020 has shown us that the world is truly a global village. Social media has seen strangers rally together over racial injustice, social issues and the COVID pandemic. As we prepare to step into a brighter 2021 lets continue to build community and be the hands and feet of Christ. 

Decide to be happy Happiness is a choice. No individual should have the power to make you happy. Commit to take responsibility for your own happiness. 

Care less about the opinions of others. -  People will always have opinions therefore filtering what you imbibe and allow to affect you is crucial. Purpose to give up your desire to be liked and live to ultimately please God.

Dont worry too much In spite of COVID and the struggles of 2020, find something to be grateful for. As the popular hymn goes Count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

Take better care of yourself Lets face it, most of us have had sedentary lifestyles in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 discipline will be the watchword. Healthy eating and regular exercising should form part of our lifestyle.

Dont take life for granted Every moment is precious, and time spent can never be reclaimed. Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way and live everyday with intent.

Live in the now In our quest for next we miss out on savouring the now. Endeavour to always be present and enjoy whatever season youre currently in.

By Akosua Dwomo-Fokuo, Premier Gospel Presenter

As 2020 draws to a close and we look to 2021 here are 10 top tips from John Maxwell Certified Coach, Aaron T Aaron.
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