1 Jul 2022

Tony Fairweather: "This exhibition will show everyone where the grounding for BLM arose from"

The exhibition is a nostalgic look back at the well-remembered homes of the Windrush Generation. Tony Fairweather used items donated by families to recreate the well-known Caribbean home, displaying many family favourites, from the Blue Spot Gramophone to the eclectic ornaments displayed in glass cabinets.

The exhibition launched on Windrush Day and in this interview Tony and Lisa spoke to Adam about the significance of this, in light of the ongoing Windrush scandal. They also spoke about the importance of preserving Black British Art and much more.

Listen to the full interview here:

Black Cultural Archives (BCA), has launched an exhibition called HOME: Remembering the Windrush Generation. Curator of the exhibition, Tony Fairweather, and interim managing director of BCA, Lisa Anderson, joined Adam on Sunday for an exclusive chat.
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