22 Jul 2022

The Lips of Kim Burrell

Twice Grammy nominated gospel artist Kim Burrell has posted an apology video for her remarks at the Kingdom City Church Conference hosted by the infamous Prophet Brian Carn. Just over a week ago Kim, whose vocals are revered by the likes of Mariah Carey, Beyonce and the deceased Whitney Houston, once again spoke her mind, without thinking of the consequences and after insulting the audience ended her rant by saying I have a great personality.

Popularity, money, status, thousands and millions of followers, are things that can make one feel entitled to behave and say what they want without admonishment or correction. Thank God for social Media. You put it out there, youre going to get comeback and maybe even cancelled.

Kim Burrell was booked to sing at the Conference, but for some reason after introducing her friend actor and singer, Tyrese Gibson, told the crowd that you cant trust people in church with your business,  you should interview and check someones financial status before they become your friend, find out if they live in a house or trailer and if the bills are in their name. If this is how she checks a friend I feel sorry for any man who approaches her with intention of marriage because the FBI will no doubt be involved.

Showing insensitivity Kim said we thank God those of us who are walking by faith without a mask and no vaccine.  There were most likely people in the audience whose loved ones had died from Covid and it was not because of a lack of faith. Then, forgetting that there maybe someone in the audience suffering from low self-esteem, Kim said that she couldnt call anyone ugly as yet, (referring to attitude), but most are wearing a large hat (meaning their faces are not visible).

Ms Burrell spent four minutes purposely throwing shade (at someone) and in the video her backing singers cringe with embarrassment not knowing where to look

What does it mean if you have a friend who lives in a trailer, are we suppose to only have friends who have a certain lifestyle? Did not Jesus hang out with the homeless, drunkards and the prostitutes?

Personally, I think that Ms Burrell would remember her rant in 2017, which got her bookings cancelled and she lost her job at the radio station. Why? Because there are cameras everywhere.  Its one thing to speak your mind, its quite another to insult the intelligence of your audience.

Oh, lets not forget the self-promotion. Ms Burrell is also seeking bookings, claiming that she is not that expensive and that the churches could use the (government issued Covid) PPP loan to book her. Unbelievable. The loan was issued to help meet church payroll because their income had decreased.

Following the backlash from social media, an apology letter was issued by an attorney on Kims behalf, but did not convey the message Kim wanted to give, so she uploaded an apology video on Instagram.

The problem with Kim is that it seems her lips are going to be her undoing. For the woman who said and believed that I have a great personality has not learnt to control her tongue which according to scripture can be our undoing.

Opinion Piece By Roney Henderson

Loose lips sink ships. 
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