17 Mar 2022

Testimony: From Drugs & RocknRoll to Jesus

Madeleine, who has a show on Premier Gospel every Sunday from 4pm called 'Sing Out', was born in to the Jewish faith and lead the life of a music artist, but along the way she discovered a few not so pleasing things about the rocknroll industry: "I was a 16 year old, left school, went and formed a band and the life style of the rock n roll industry took me over"

The music artist shared how she was doing well in her career but things began to take a turn for the worst: "I had a lot of good success, wrote with amazing people, got sent to New York but what happened was the drugs began to creep in to the point where I'd take something to go to sleep, something to stay away, staying awake for days ... I was trapped in a place that was really dark in the sense that theindistry that I thought was a beautiful place was horrible ... I was empty as anything"

The singer shared with Belinda on the Gospel Breakfast show just how dire her situation had become, so much so she had to return to the UK: "I had to leave New York I really thought I was going to die ... I was meeting a friend in Tottenham, they didn't show up and I heard this sound, it was a church, an African church, so the sound wasn't something I was used to.

"I had a lightning bolt encounter with Jesus just telling me He is who He says He is and in that moment I just knew, I gave my heart, I repented and I just knew he is our Messiah"

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Madeleine has released  her first single after 12 years which she says is based on her testimony. Stream 'Rest' on all streaming platforms and follow her journey by clicking here. Catch Madeleine every Sunday from 4pm on her show 'Sing Out' on Premier Gospel

The way people to come to Christ differs from person to person, some are born on to the faith whereas others are born in to another and manage to find Him along their journey, one of those people was Madeleine Kerzner.
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