15 Feb 2021

TD Jakes and Fred Hammond pay tribute to Apostle Dr Frederick K.C Price

In 1978 Price launched his tv broadcast Ever Increasing Faith Ministries and became one of the first black televangelists. Gospel artist Helen Baylor spoke about the impact of Prices tv ministry during her 1994 Live recording. On the track Helens testimony, Baylor said: Whatever time we went to bed on Saturday night whether it was 3:30 or 4:30 in the morning, somehow my eyes popped open at 8:30. I used to fire up a joint and watch Dr KC Price. I used to make fun of him as he said faith comes by healing and healing by the word of God - but faith came. I watched christian tv one night and it was as though God rebuked the devil out of me.

Gospel singer/producer Fred Hammond shared his thoughts on Price in an Instagram post: You are truly an amazing memory of kindness to me and ministry. I was nervous when I first came to your church b4 #pepperdineuniversity but you built me up in confidence and love and the next several trips to minister for you and your organization #ficwicom I loved every min of it! Praying for auntie pastor Betty.

Bishop TD Jakes fondly remembered Price saying: Dr Price leaves a gaping hole in the hearts of those that loved him. I will always remember the long lines wrapped around the Crenshaw Christian Center, hoping to get a seat, unforgettable music with its challenging lyrics asking us, Do you have enough evidence! . And though he stomps no longer, the tremors remain as evidence he was here! May his family be comforted by the Holy Spirit as they become the guardians of his legacy.

Written by Akosua Dwomo-Fokuo, Premier Gospel Presenter


Tributes poured in over the weekend to honour the life of the late Apostle Dr Frederick K.C Price. The 89-year-old founder of Crenshaw Christian Centre died from COVID on Friday 12th February leaving behind his wife, four children, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
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