27 Mar 2018

Stories of Hope conference: sowing the seeds of justice

Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, CEO of Christian Aid said Our Stories of Hope conference is such a great way for our supporters to connect more with each other and those that we work with, and to bring others into this space of hope. It is a good demonstration of how supporters across the North West and beyond continue to stand together in solidarity with the worlds poorest communities

During Christian Aid Week, people come together from all walks of life to step out in support of the worlds poorest communities.

Prospery, Christian Aids Haiti country manager says Giving is an act of faith; a way to imprint love in the heart of other human being; Giving is making us more human and more connected to our saviour Jesus, our Lord. Dont give by pity and do it as an act of compassion, love and wisdom

For more than 60 years, our amazing supporters have organised thousands of fabulous Christian Aid Week events. From holding house-to-house collections, sponsored walks and church collections, to taking part in Big Brekkies, abseils and quiz nights, this support makes our work possible.

Vilia lost her mum and her home when the earthquake struck Port-au-Prince in 2010. Bereaved and homeless, she went back to her home town with her husband and children. But life was a struggle, and they had nowhere safe to live. Our partner KORAL built Vilia a new home - safe, stable and strong enough to stand up to natural disasters.

For more details and to register, visit christianaid.org.uk/events/stories-hope.

Stories of Hope conference is on 27th April (10-4pm) at Manchester Methodist Central Hall, Oldham Street, M1 1JQ. For tickets for the event: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/stories-of-hope-tickets-42782601914

Manchester Methodist Central Hall will be hosting Christian Aids first regional conference. Supporters from across the Northwest will gather together to celebrate the amazing support from across the region for the worlds poorest communities. Christian Aids new CEO, Amanda Khozi Mukwashi and The Right Reverend David Walker will be speaking at the conference as well as Christian Aids Haiti Country Manager, Prospery.
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