1 Mar 2021

Sexual Abuse and The Church

The church is not immune from this crime and have long been plagued by allegations of abuse by ministers, pastors and priests in different denominations. More recently victims of the late Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias came forward and shell shocked the Christian world after sharing their stories of his abuse and a report was published of his crimes. It's left people asking the questions; what do we do moving forward and how do we handle this as a church?

A sexual assault survivor, who's identity has been kept anonymous for legal reasons, came to us to share their heart-breaking story of being assaulted by a minister in their church. In this interview they talk candidly about how the church should handle these cases and what people should do if they've experienced similar. Please note this interview may be triggering.  

Watch here:

For more information on the support you can receive after being sexually assaulted click here.

In the last five years cases of sexual abuse have more than doubled in the UK, going from around 62,000 cases to near 180,000 cases a year.
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