8 May 2018

Piers Morgan leads backlash to celebrity event 'disrespectful' to Catholics

The Good Morning Britain host claimed the event, which this year had a religious theme, was "disrespectful" and wouldn't dare target different faiths.


Writing in his column on the Mail Online, he said: "Christianity, it would seem, is fair game for a mocking fashion parade."

Ian West/PA Wire


Stars from the world of music and movies turned out in the event in New York dressed in costumes inspired by Catholicism.

Titled 'Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination', guests were seen dressed as nuns and popes.

 Ian West/PA Wire


Declaring his outrage, Morgan, who identifies as Catholic, said: "I know many people don't believe in any God or religion, let alone Catholicism, and I respect that.

"All I ask in return is for my beliefs not to be rudely disrespected.

"Just as I always respect other religions even if I don't believe in what they represent.

"To me, this year's Met Gala crossed a line and was openly, brazenly disrespectful.

Ian West/PA Wire


It's reported the Vatican gave permission for the theme and also provided clothes for an exhibition at the event.

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TV presenter Piers Morgan has hit out at Monday night's Met Gala celebrity fashion event.
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