8 Sep 2021

"Not once did I say that Make Me Over was my song," says Bri Babineaux in response to Kanye and Tonex drama

Kanye's single Hurricane also topples Elevation and Maverick's "Jireh" from the No 1 Gospel streaming song spot after holding the position for 19 weeks straight.

In true Kanye fashion, the "Donda" release has been riddled with drama. From Kanye's initial claim that Universal Records released the album without his permission to Chris Brown and Soulja Boys accusations that their contributions to the project were cut out, and then theres the Kanye-Drake-Andre3000 tiff. However, its Stellar award winner Brianna Babineauxs accusation that Kanye sampled her "Make Me Over" adilibs without her knowledge, thats had gospel folk talking.

In a since deleted instagram post, Bri shared : Thank you to everyone who congratulated me on the #Donda album. However, I had no knowledge of this before hand. It wouldve been nice to know before the album came out smh. Who does that voice sound like to yall? #donda.

"Make Me Over" songwriter Tonex, (currently known as B Slade) took to twitter to inturn accuse Babineaux of not crediting him for her Youtube cover of his song.

B Slade's tweet triggered an onslaught of responses from Bri fans. @ChayelaA2 replied to B Slade tweeting :

Responding to the backlash recieved, Bri took to Instagram and Facebook live saying "...Its getting back to me that Im saying that the song is mine.... Not once did I say that Make me over is my song. 'Make Me Over' has always been a song from Tonex.When Im saying he sampled my stuff Im saying he sampled my adilib not 'Make Me Over'....  People are sending me crazy messages.You can send me crazy messages all you want to ..my life is still blessed over here Im not trying to be malicious, I'm not trying to be catty or ugly about the situation .. I'm just saying that I didnt know about itHe used an adilib. It's my adilib ..inflexions, verbatum , the same way..."

In an interesting twist to the story, Youtuber John Mike Talks has highlighted that Kanye did indeed credit Bri. Watch below

Did Bri draw hasty conclusions? Possibly. ....but she certainly doesn't deserve any more backlash.

Written by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Kanyes Donda album has soared to the top of the Billboard 200 charts with 309,000 album units earned, whilst simultaneously notching the No 1 spot on the Top Christian Album and Top Gospel album charts (w/c 11/09/21). Donda ends Old Church Basement's seventeen week chart reign as Top Gospel Album.
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