31 Mar 2021

My past relationships were a sprinkling of everything - men and women says Donnie McClurkin

In a sneak preview of his upcoming TV One Uncensored episode, McClurkin opens up about his failed relationship with Nicole saying: ..I didnt know how to have the relationship. I didnt know what a woman wanted. Ive messed up more than Ive done good. My past relationships were a sprinkling of everything men and women. I dont know how to do this. I wanna lay down next to someone thats gonna be with me the rest of my life. The gospel star seems to have resigned himself to the single life, adding: Ill probably be alone for the rest of my life as far as a mate is concerned.

 McClurkin traces his relationship issues back to his troubled childhood. 6th June 1968 is a date that will forever be etched on his heart. That fateful day, 8-year-old McClurkin ran across the street to get a ball and unbeknown to him, his 2-year-old brother followed. A speeding car hit his brother killing him on the spot. His heartbroken mothers words Get away from me you killed my son would scar McClurkin for many years to come. On the day of his brothers funeral, McClurkin was raped by his granduncle. That residue stayed with me throughout the rest of my childhood, he said. 

In his book Eternal Victim, Eternal Victor, and documentary From Darkness to Light: The Donnie McClurkin Story, the singer shares how years of sexual abuse led to a twenty-year struggle with homosexuality.

Donnie McClurkins story is a testament to the redemptive power of God; potent to heal, deliver and set the captive free.

Written by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

Donnie McClurkin caused a stir at the 2016 Stellar awards when he showed up with singer Nicole C Mullen on his arm. Up until then, the eligible bachelor had never publicly dated. Fans hoping for a McClurkin- Mullen wedding were left confused when Mullen said yes to a different man on 30 October 2020.
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