20 May 2022

MOBO Winning Music Artist States: "Popular Culture Dictates Church Culture"

On Wednesday Muyiwa was joined on Twitter by Becca Folkes, Marcia Dixon and Triple O to share their thoughts on what Christian artists can do, what they may be doing wrong and what influences church culture.

Listener Russ B asked some important questions, commenting on why Christian artists need main stream approval: "why? Why is there that pressure to want to be respected by the mainstream - if the content is for us by us that why dont we Christians support artists, thats a great conversation but why doesnt the mainstream I have a whole litany as to why that doesnt happen"

Music artist Triple O raised an interesting point: popular culture dictates church culture, especially when were looking at music, Im not talking praise and worship but christian DJs and them playing what sounds current and relevant, whos defining what sounds current and relevant? Its  not the church, its the mainstream platforms, artists and music. Thats why people say this person is a christian version of drake, you never hear it the other way around

Not that we should be doing things for money but the reality is these things cost money and many want to make a living from their art form

Listen to the full discussion below:

May 20, 2022. Christian artists are thriving here in the UK, with many reaching new levels of international success thanks to the internet and overseas collaboration however some would say they still don't receive the same kinds of opportunities that secular artists do...but why is that?
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