22 Jul 2022

Men, marriage & music with Triple O

With the number of women in church out numbering men its never been easier for a man to take his time. MOBO award winning music artist Triple O recently got engaged and we decided to talk with him about taking this huge step, what he was looking for in a wife and what his prerequisites were. The rapper also shared some insight in to why men may be fearful, encouraging those who are scared to take the plunge.

The rapper had a real chat with our Sunday Breakfast Show presenter Adam Brooks about all things men, marriage and music - touching on an interview they did 10 years ago and comparing where things are at now.

Amongst all the marriage talk Triple O also shared bits about his up coming album, the release date and title yet to be confirmed. The artist described the album as his best sonically sounding yet and promises supporters that itll be worth the wait. With collabs from unexpected artists, the album looks set to rock the Christian music industry. 


Listen to the full chat here:

The Christian men of today have often been accused of not wanting to settle down, instead waiting the longest amount of time possible before taking a wife.
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