7 Jun 2022

Is people pleasing causing burnout in the Church?

Uche Ezichi is a leading executive coach and author. He joined Adam Brooks on Sunday to talk about his new book Count the Cost: The 5 Unspoken Rules of Sustainable Success.

His book was inspired by his personal experience of being burnout. One day he woke up and could not leave his bed, he assumed it was symptoms of a flu but soon realised that his body and mind had totally burned out as a result of his unhealthy lifestyle of all work and little rest.

Having made it out the other side of this tough experience, Uche has written a book detailing the 5 rules he learned to help him overcome burnout and live the victorious life God created for him.

Uche Ezichi also coaches organisations and individuals, he specialises in behavioural change. When asked by Adam how Churches and their leaders can support the wellbeing of their congregation, Uche made an interesting point about the common culture of people pleasing in the Church and how it could be causing churchgoers to burnout. 

Watch the full interview here:

On the Sundays with Adam show, presenter Adam Brooks was joined by author, Uche Ezichi to talk about overcoming burnout.
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