28 Jan 2022

Introducing: UK Gospel Newbie.. Ruth Appiagyei

Akosua DF: Congrats on your new single Child of God. Whats the inspiration behind the song ?

Ruth: Thank you so much for having me. I came to a place where so many different obstacles or shall I say attacks came against me  from different  angles. I sat down one day and said there must be more to life than this- then the lyrics came - we will rise in His name, I am a Child of God ! Its to encourage believers that we will always rise out of the ashes even in times where it seems impossible. Its during those seasons that God lifts us to the next level. God loves his children and He will never leave or forsake us because we are His.

Akosua DF: Oooooh you better preach. In 2021 you won best worship song at the Ghana Music Awards (GMA) for your debut single Cornerstone. That must have been surreal. Take me back to the moment when you were announced as winner ?

Ruth: I was so super shocked to be honest. I never thought I could win! I was overwhelmed and cried for weeks thanking God.

Akosua DF: Can we expect an EP or album from you soon?

Ruth: Yes, Ill be releasing an album this year! God is good.

Akosua DF: What word of encouragement would you give to a newbie like yourself ?

Ruth: Put your best out there, dont worry or be afraid. Find yourself a good mentor and sing songs from your heart.

Interviewed and Written by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

Thursday, 27 January 2022

We love championing new UK talent, and this week the spotlight is on Ruth Appiagyei. If her surname rings a bell, its because she is the daughter of Rev Kingsley Appiagyei, one of the UKs leading baptist ministers.
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