29 Jun 2014

Gospel Thoughts: Living Free

This is usually followed by me trying (and failing) to explain who is the parent and who is the child in this relationship.

It happened that one day I was playing Guvna B's 'Free' in the house when my son runs up to me and tells me: "See, this song say that I can do what I want to do!".

That song has never been played out loud in my house since (sorry Guvna!). 

My ongoing dialogue with my son about his boundaries is a good metaphor for God's attempts to get us to understand what Christian freedom really is. Galatians 5:1 says that "it is for freedom that Christ has set us free" and in John 8:2 that "you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free".

But Christian freedom is not licence do what ever we like; it is a freedom from being trapped by the Devil in sin and rebellion. Too often get things mixed up and we see captivity to sin as freedom and loving God in the way we live our lives as bondage - when in fact it is the other way around.

Guvna B puts this way:

One life so live it well
In this world we got free will
To live as well
We can do what we want with it
But I know who sponsors it
So I choose:
To do good not evil
And love God, love people

When told he can't do something, my four year old son's common response is "Daddy, you've got to let me do what I want to do". 
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