29 Jun 2014

Gospel Thoughts: Battle

The song went mainstream in the year 2000 with a set of powerful lyrics that I think many people missed. The song speaks about the daily battle that we all find ourselves in and the pressure to 'put on a face' to the outside world to pretend everything is fine. 

Jesus understood that life can be hard. In John 16:33 he said that "In this world you will have trouble" but crucially he finished with "But take heart! I have overcome the world". God has promised that he will never leave of abandon us, no matter what happens. He is with us in all the battles of life, willing to help and heal if we turn to Him. 

I hope this song takes you back, and I hope the lyrics remind you that and that "When you've just had enough, and you see no way out. It's alright - don't panic, things can work for your good" and "God is never failing".

I have to admit, I have a bit of a weakness for old skool UK garage. Actually that's a lie - I have a massive weakness for old skool UK garage. But that's OK when it comes to songs like 'Battle' by Wookie Ft Lain Gray.
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