17 Jan 2018

Gospel singer comes out as bisexual

"As a gospel artist, it was always challenging for me to be me. The expectations of the gospel industry is to present yourself as this perfect person, when I was far from that," Stone admitted. "The gospel industry always made me feel like I wasn't good enough.

Stone said he began to explore homosexuality after a childhood girlfriend broke his heart.

"We were dating for about a year, then out of nowhere she called me one day asking me to sing at her wedding. Since then I could never trust another female ever again," he said. "From that point on I wanted to experience what it would be like to be with another male out of my own curiosity."

Here's one of his previous song performances. 

Gospel singer Aaron Thomas has announced he is changing his musical style and he is now a bisexual R&B singer who wants to be known as Terrence Stone. Best known for his song In Your Presence, he shared how he was a sheltered child who was raised in the church. 
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