8 Jan 2021

Gospel community react to Capitol Hill riots

Incited by President Trump's baseless voter fraud allegations against Biden, mobsters proudly posted images of themselves on the house floor, the senate chambers and Nancy Pelosi's office. Law enforcement officials who showed up in their numbers during the summer BLM marches were noticeably absent at the Capitol Hill riot, leading many African Americans to highlight the evident white privilege.

The gospel community were not silent in their condemnation of the violence. Multi Grammy award winner Kirk Franklin lovingly reminded his white brothers and sisters that "...If those were black and brown people doing what you just saw , they would not be alive" . Worship leader and The Purpose Place co-pastor - Tasha Cobbs had few choice words : "Domestic terrorism. Fuelled by the President. This is America." 

Jonathan McReynolds veiled shot at Trump's Evangelical following was stellar : "America youve outdone yourself . It will be an honour to reintroduce you to Jesus of Nazareth."

In less than fourteen days Joe Biden will be sworn in as President of the United States of America and hopefully restore the respect and honour of the office. Until then, I beseech us all to continue to pray for the peace of the land and in the words of Cece Winans  - I pray, you pray, we pray!

By Akosua Dwomo-Fokuo, Premier Gospel Presenter

The events that unfolded in Washington this week have left the world stunned and appalled. Disturbing footage showed Trump supporters violently descending on Capitol Hill, forcing House and Senate members to flee for their lives. Many have likened the 6th January 2021 insurrection to a coup d'tat.
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