5 Jun 2024

Vonte Grace: 'God gave me a song in a dream'

Christian rapper, evangelist and Premier Gospel Awards nominee, Vonte Grace, recently shared an inspiring testimony of hearing the words and melodies of his upcoming single in a dream. "Last week, I woke up on Tuesday with a song given to me by God in a dream," Vonte revealed. This was no ordinary melody; it was the beginning of an extraordinary journey that would lead him from the recording studio to the heart of Mexico City on a mission of faith.

In his dream, Vonte heard a melody with lyrics, "I immediately got out my phone to record the melodies, lyrics, and drum pattern on my voice notes," he recounted. The ensuing days were a whirlwind of creativity as he brought this divine inspiration to life through diligent production, writing, mixing, and mastering.

Parallel to Vonte’s musical revelation was a spiritual vision experienced by his wife— a dream showcasing ten cities they were destined to visit. "Two months ago, my wife had a dream where God showed her ten cities around the world that He planned to take her to," Vonte shared. The first on this list? Mexico City.

As they prepared for their journey, supported by Elisha Revolution ministry, they were fueled by memories of past crusades' impacts — over 40,000 salvations and countless healings. "We believe this is just the beginning," Vonte expressed with optimism.

Yet, embarking on such a mission required faith beyond measure, especially when it came to fundraising. "We needed to raise a total of $3,300...and God provided literally at the last minute!" Vonte exclaimed. This miraculous provision affirmed their path but left one lingering question: how would they fund their plane tickets?

The answer came through prayer and prophecy. "That very night [after praying], I received the song in a dream," Vonte recalled—a song that would become the gateway for their provision.

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In an act of faith, Vonte proposed releasing a snippet of this divinely-inspired track online as a pledge: once the remaining funds were secured, the full song would debut across streaming platforms. This approach wasn't just innovative; it was an act of trust in God's timing and provision.

Vonte now invites listeners moved by their story to join them in prayer or financial support as they prepare for their mission in Mexico. "If you want to hear the full song or if you have been moved by this post, please help us get to Mexico," he urged.

Their story—a blend of divine dreams, musical creation, and missionary work—underscores the incredible ways God works through His people. As Vonte and his wife step forward in faith towards Mexico City, they carry not only a song in their hearts but also a message of hope for every soul they encounter.

For those inspired to contribute or learn more about their mission, Vonte directs them to his Instagram (@vontegrace) for further details. Vonte willl also be joining Chantelle Johnson on the Daytime show on Thursday 6th June at 12pm to share his story live on the radio. As this journey unfolds from dream to reality, it stands as a powerful testament: when we listen closely and obey boldly, incredible things can happen. To God be all glory!

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