5 Oct 2023

Elianne Andam: UK Artists and Celebrities Share Heartfelt Reactions to Tragic Loss


The tragic passing of 15-year-old Elianne Andam, who was attacked at a bus stop in central Croydon on her way to school, has deeply affected many across the UK. Christian artists, British actor Idris Elba and others share their heartfelt reactions to this heartbreaking incident.

Elianne's mother, Dorcas Andam, remembered her vibrant daughter who "loved living life to the fullest" and brought joy to many around her. She described Elianne as a "smart, charismatic" girl who touched many lives.Stillshady, the multi-award-winning artist, highlighted the strong sense of community in Croydon that bands together in such times of grief: "Say what you want about Croydon, but don’t miss the fact that there’s a strong community here that stands together regardless. For Elianne."

British Hollywood actor Idris Elba extended his condolences to Elianne's family during this sorrowful time. He expressed his dismay at the ongoing issue of knife crime in our country: "It's still a shame our country still mourns the deaths of children at the ends of a knife."

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Stormzy, the multi-award-winning rapper, showed his support by joining the family's candlelit vigil on Wednesday.

These reactions remind us all of Elianne's untimely passing and encourage us to stand together against such knife crimes. Let us pray that people learn to see life as a precious gift that God has granted us and know that peace comes from Jesus, amen.


Nathana Afonso

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