21 Apr 2022

Cost of living crisis: what does the Bible say?

Christians Against Poverty, or CAP, offer free debt advice and help clients to put in place realistic plans to manage their money and potentially clear their debt. We spoke to the director of external affairs Gareth McNab about ways to improve our money management in these strenuous times and dived in to what the Bible has to say about money. 

Talking about money alone is difficult for some but why? We asked Gareth and he provided some insight: "I think there are probably four main reasons that many people struggle with addressing their finances. We ask our clients when they come to us 'how long did you wait before you came to get help?', half of them have waited more than a year. When we asked them why the most common reasons are, 'I thought I should be able to sort it out myself'. And then fear, shame, guilt, even anger, at either the situation they were in."

Gareth went on to explain how intense feelings of anxiety are a factor too: "There was some research a few years ago that suggested that up to one in 30 adults experiences some level of number anxiety. That doesn't mean that they're not numerous that they don't know how to count or or do match. But it means that they're so uncomfortable around numbers that it causes them an emotional response. One in 30 adults thinks twice before they get in a lift, they'd rather take the stairs and have to look at the numbers on the wall and choose a button for a floor they they're going to take now, if one indeed at adults, that's the equivalent of a child in every classroom."

Poor financial literacy and budgeting Gareth say's are not reasons people struggle with money either, noting how those who have to manage every last penny are 'some of the best budgeters in the world' noting how many simply don't have the time to give to their finances: "low income households are commonly already working two jobs. You may be blending a low income job with caring responsibilities, or family responsibilities. A large proportion of our clients are single parents and so if you're working and caring and parenting or caring for an older relative, where exactly is this time going to come from to sit and get all your bank statements together?"

Gareth offers some interesting insights in to what the Bible says about finances too: There are those verses around wisdom around the why stewardship of your resources, the challenge to which is about the hoarding of financesThey considered them to belong to the group for the good for the Commonwealth, for the good of all. And then they started to make provision for the communities in which they were they were living in and so I think the Bible does teach good stewardship, faithful stewardship of our resources because they're not as they're from God.

Watch the full interview for more invaluable advice:

Find out more about how CAP may be able to help you by clicking here 

April 21, 2022. With the cost of living rising a lot of people in the UK are feeling the strain, stress and are at a loss as to how to manage their very limited income.
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