16 Oct 2017

Christian rapper Lecrae speaks out against white evangelicalism

A question was asked about whether Lecrae divorced white evangelicalism, he said:

I spoke out very frequently throughout 2016 in many different ways and it affected me. I went from a show that may have had 3,000 there to 300 but that was the cost. But those 300 people were people who I knew loved Lecrae, the black man, the Christian, all of who Lecrae was, not the caricature that had been drawn up for them.

You can check out the full podcast here. 

Lecrae has been busy in promo mode for his new album All Things Work Together. One of the more popular names in Christian hip-hop recently joined the podcast Truths Table. They spoke about the rappers musical and personal transformation since his last album, a three-year period during which Lecrae become increasingly vocal in speaking up about racial injustice.
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