19 Mar 2021

Black people and women are the most oppressed says Guvna B

In an appearance on Good Morning Britain, Award winning gospel rapper Guvna B added his voice to the fight against oppression of black women, reminding viewers that justice was yet to be served for the murders of several black women including Blessing Olusegun, Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry. ..I think men have to hold their friends, their family members and everyone in their circle that is male accountable the rapper said when asked what his dominating thought was in the light of recent events.

Sharing her personal experience of walking at night, chart topping UK gospel songstress Sarah Teibo said: There have been a few instances where I felt unsafe because I was actually aware of someone walking closely behind me. In such situations, I cross over to the other side of the road until the person I suspect is following me has gone ahead. It can be quite unsettling when you are walking at night and have the sense of being followed.

Data published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) revealed that about 618,000 females aged between 16 and 74 were victims of sexual assault or attempted sexual assault in the year ending March 2020.

Does the church have an increased duty of care towards women and if so do we need to get more involved in this conversation?

Written by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

The recent abduction and tragic murder of Sarah Everard has reignited conversations around the well-being and safety of women. Womens personal safety app, Walksafe which previously had 2000 downloads has had over 300,000 downloads in the last week. The surge in downloads has been attributed to the renewed conversation on womens safety.
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