12 May 2021

Black Lives In Music With A Powerful Initiative

BLIM are committed to making change within the music industry and are doing so in a number of different ways, one of which is though surveying black music artists and professionals

According to the site, there is no data or report that spotlights the Black Musicians experience such as economics, social interactions, education to talent pipeline and well being.

The BLIM team think that organisations are rarely held to account concerning data insights and recommendations. To ensure these same organisations continue to receive funding there is a tick box, tokenistic mentality with the promotion of Black people from entry level to mid-management roles. They say there are almost no appointments in senior management roles.

They state that: "most surveys are not completed in a safe space or in anonymous fashion therefore people of colour rarely participate due to a lack of trust" which is why they've developed their own survey for black music artists and professionals to take part in.

Cassandra spoke to GMIA director Roger Moore about the project and why people need to get involved.

Watch here:

To find out more and take part in the survey click here

The Black Lives In Music campaign is a ground-breaking movement and key to understanding the issues of diversity in the music industry. 
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