25 Jun 2018

Bishop suspended following rap sermons

Fr Paul Ogalo - known also as 'Sweet Paul', has become a mini-celebrity after rapping many of his sermons at churches across the African nation.

However his unconventional way of spreading the gospel displeased some Catholic Church leaders in western Kenya.


The judicial vicar of the inter-diocesan tribunal of Kisumu, confirmed the priest's suspension to local media and said they have stopped him from preaching for a year to enable him to "meditate" and "reconsider his manner of preaching".

Fr Ogalo, 45, said in a recent interview with the BBC that he enjoyed swapping his priestly attire for regular clothes but his message to the congregation remained the same.


"I use the rap music to bringyouths to the church. Thereafter, I bring them to Christ," he explained.

He added that he uses his performances to persuade young people to stop using drugs and instead turn their attention towards environmental and social justice issues.

The priest will be permitted to attend church services while he is suspended.

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A Catholic bishop in Kenya has been suspended after admitting to rapping to attract young people to Christianity.
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