6 Aug 2021

Artist Spotlight: UK Gospels Mojisola releases Cece Winans inspired Never Alone

Mojisola returns with the soul piercing Never Alone, a powerful reminder that we are never forgotten nor forsaken.

Akosua DF: Youve been singing since your childhood, led choirs and performed infront of large audiences, but its not until 2017 that you decided to launch out as a solo artist. Tell us about that? It must have been very daunting.

Mojisola: Yes, it wasnt until 2017 that I felt God calling me to express my music more through song writing and recording. It was very daunting because I was only two years into marriage and had become a new mum. I was in a different phase of life yet God was bringing something new, in terms of ministry. It wasnt just going to church and leading worship; this was a completely different assignment but grace has helped me.

Akosua DF: Whats the story behind your new single, Never Alone?

Mojisola: Never Alone is borne out of Psalm 23. Im a nurse by profession and working on the frontline through the pandemic has been difficult. I had to juggle that with motherhood, losses in the family and trying to stay on track with my assignment as a minister and recording artist. I felt exhausted and started questioning God, because it looked like things were getting worse with the pandemic. I was so stressed that I considered quitting my job. One evening whilst watching Cece Winans acoustic video for Believe for it, I burst into tears and asked God whether He was still with me. I then heard the words You are never alone and Psalm 23 flashed in my spirit. It was as though the words The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want were projected on a monitor in front of me. I started to sing the lyrics and thats literally how the song was birthed.

Akosua DF: What a powerful story.Youve been quite consistent with your single releases over the past few years. Should fans expect an EP or album soon?

Mojisola: When I started doing music, I had no desire to record an EP or album because I hadnt received that instruction from God. I do now sense the release from God so Im putting together songs for an EP. We had scheduled the recording for earlier this year in Nigeria however the second lockdown threw things out. Hopefully we can get it done next year.

Akosua DF: Ooooh Im looking forward to that. Youve recorded a Cece Winans/Whitney Houston cover, a Travis Greene cover, and a Matt Redman cover. Any other covers in the works?

Mojisola: To be honest I didnt plan to record any covers this year. I was sitting in my home studio one day musing on the old worship classics. I love revisiting these types of songs because they are impactful and transcend time. The Matt Redman song dropped in my spirit and I sensed the Holy Spirit asking me to record it. Made a way was an interesting one as Id never done a song in Yoruba before, however the Holy Spirit sang the words to me. The next cover I am mulling over is Cece Winans Mercy said No. Again, I feel led to do it in a different style and am hoping to pull it off yet still preserve the beauty of the song. These are all part of a project Im working on; Covers and Conversations.

Listen to Never Alone here

Written by Akosua DF, Premier Gospel Presenter

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Although singer Mojisola is relatively new to the UK gospel fraternity, the seasoned worship leader has been serving church communities for over two decades. Previously released singles by the singer include; In His Name, Anyone, Incense and the BBC Radio playlisted Pray.
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