13 Mar 2023

Angela Bassett's Oscar snub + reaction : what can we learn?

Angela Bassett is a highly respected actress with a career spanning over three decades,receiving numerous accolades for her performances, including several award nominations and wins. Despite her many roles Bassett is yet to win an Oscar award for any of her performances and this year, after being nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her part in the Marvel film Wakanda Forever, she failed to scoop an award yet again. This was Bassett's first nomination in almost 30 years, the last one being for Best Actress in 1994 and after giving what many described as an electrifying' performance in Wakanda Forever, much of her supporters were hopeful that'd she's take the award however she instead lost out to Jamie Lee Curtis for her part in Everything Everywhere All At Once. In her reaction to the loss Angela is seen to not smile, flinch or clap for her fellow actress, instead remaining seated and still. Bassets reaction to her Oscar loss has caused quite a stir on social media with some saying living her truth is commendable whilst others saying it was 'unprofessional', but what can we learn from this honest moment as Christians? Angela has always professed her Christian faith throughout her career and has been open about how it has influenced her life and work.Bassett grew up in a Christian household and has spoken about how her faith has been a guiding force in her life. In interviews, she has credited prayer and meditation as tools that have helped her stay grounded in the midst of the challenges of Hollywood. Bassett has also spoken about the importance of using one's gifts and talents to serve others. In an interview with The Christian Post, she said, "I think that's what God wants us to do, to use our gifts to help others, to make this world a better place." What can we learn? The bible speaks a lot about being honest with our feelings,both in our relationship with God and in our relationships with others. InPsalm 62:8 it says we should "trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." This verse encourages us to be open and honest with God about our thoughts and feelings, trusting that He will provide comfort and refuge. When Jesus was at the temple he had an honest and intentional moment of rage to make a point about Gods disproval about what was taking place. As humans, there's always room to be human and we, as Christians, have a mandate to support our brothers and sisters in those moments.Romans speaks about this concept Romans12:15 when it says: "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." This verse teaches us to empathize with others and share in their joys and sorrows. Similarly in Galatians 6:2 it says: "carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ." This verse encourages us to support one another through both good times and bad times. Taking heed of these verses we should support Angela in her human moment andhave grace for her, sharing her loss and hurt at not getting the flowers many agree she so rightfully deserves. Angelas own faith in God means that as she works through this with God as her rock, hopefully she will learn to rejoice where others are rejoicing as the scripture directs us to do. Written by Cassandra Maria
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