16 Feb 2023

5 things we should be doing with our money NOW according to scripture

Financially planning for the future can be hard, especially when the 'now' is difficult to maintain, however this week Ken and Mary of The Humble Penny give us five things we should be doing with our money that'll make our legacy more financially fulfilling.
They give us the Scripture Proverbs 6:6-8 which reads: "Go to the ant, you sluggard;consider its ways and be wise!7It has no commander,no overseer or ruler,8yet it stores its provisions in summerand gathers its food at harvest.". This is a direct instruction to plan for the future and not leave things to last minute.With this in mind, they have 5 things that we can be doing to better prepare the future:
"Go to the ant, you sluggard;consider its ways and be wise!
So what should we be ding with out money? Well, here is what the money experts think, bearing in mind that not everyone has the sameamount of money or are in the same place Ken and Mary suggest these 5 things of ways we can start to follow the orders in Proverbs:
1. Open a lifetime isa before 40
2. Write your will
3. Get a lasting power of attorney
4. Invest in ISA
5. Get life insurance and put it in a trust
Ken and Mary talk in detail about each thing and give their top tips on how to get started, as well as explaining the importance of each. The couple also have more information on their YouTube channel and their social media platforms. Which one will you take up first?
To hear more details about how these things can change your financial legacy listen here:
[audio mp3="https://premiergospel.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/PG-Feature-GB-Money-Matters-Feb-14th-2023.mp3"][/audio] The Humble Penny are on the Gospel Breakfast show every Tuesday from 8am.
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