6 Dec 2021

3 Time MOBO Award Winner On African Countries Travel Restriction

Guvna B celebrated his win with Premier Gospel on the Breakfast Show with Belinda Simpson earlier today. The gospel rapper spoke of his excitement after winning the MOBO award and his appreciation for Premier Gospel, who have supported the Gospel category at the awards over the last six years.
"Me and Premier Gospel have a great relationship. I've been a friend of the station for a number of years, a lot of people forget, I used to work at the station," Guvna B explained.
The Unpopular Culture author also used the opportunity to comment on the unfair PR that he felt Africa gets and the unfair nature of African countries added to the UK government Red List.
In recent days, additional travel restrictions have been introduced for those wishing to travel from certain African countries back to the UK.
Guvna B mentioned that it "doesn't make sense" and he hopes that people will still be able to see their families over the upcoming festive season.
He said: When you look at the numbers and the stats, for me, it doesn't make sense And I just pray that we can live in a society that make fair decisions, not dependent on where people are from or their backgrounds.
"Just dependent on doing the right thing. And that is my prayer. And I hope that in some way, shape or form, people can see their family, if they're in Africa or the Caribbean, wherever else.
Earlier this year, Guvna B was the chosen spoken word performer for the ITV Palooza Showcase at the Royal Festival Hall in London. There was an audience of about 800 people including advertisers, celebrities and agency partners. Guvna B performed a moving piece around the theme Better Together.
Guvna B who is known for his candid views on issues he feels passionate about, also had a cheeky message for national UK airline, British Airways.
He said: "And while we're on that topic, British Airways, your flights to Ghana are too expensive. Either update your planes or lower the prices, please.want to see my family in Ghana for cheaper.

Guvna B is a highly-successful UK rapper, author and now three-time MOBO award winner. He won the award for Best Gospel Act  at the MOBO Awards on Sunday (December 5)
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